Need a restart? Try this.

One of the reasons I love the 26&2 yoga practice I shared about last time is that the sequence is built around stillness.

The teachers will sometimes joke that the practice is actually 60 minutes of being still interrupted 26 times by a posture.

We all need moments in our life to pause and reflect.

This is why I turn my attention to the sun and the moon for queues for when to take time to look inward.

This week is a turning point.

Today is the Summer Solstice, a time when the sun will appear to stand still on the horizon until it begins its journey south again. (Of course, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s reversed!)

It’s also the time of year that we reach the longest amount of daylight before the days start getting shorter again.

This is a time of change for the seasonality of the earth -- and it can also be for you.

I find that living in alignment with the seasons can be empowering and motivating.

This year is unusual because the moon will also be full within a day of this solar event.

The moon cycle is much faster than the sun's but it follows a similar pattern of increasing and decreasing light in the sky.

The sun and the moon will reach their peak of light at the same time. How cool is that?!?

✨🌞 ✨🌝✨

To make the most of this time, I've included below a simple ritual you can do this weekend or anytime you need a reset. All you need is a journal and (optional) candle and essential oil of your choice.

I do a practice like this a few times a year with the seasons and on a smaller scale each month with the moon. It keeps me grounded in what’s important and focused on what matters most.

One of the lessons the earth teaches us is the power of ever-present renewal. You always get another chance to reinvent and restart.

It's too easy to move through your life without taking time to reflect on where you've been and where you're going. But when you do that, you'll end up far from where you want to be.

Trust me, Reader, when you know what you want to focus on, it makes it 100x easier to make time for that in your life.

Otherwise, you're pulled by the current of other people's wants and desires for your precious time.

🐠Be like a fish that can move with or against the current as you desire, rather than seaweed that sways whichever way the water flows.

I'd love to know what this practice inspires in you for this year. Hit reply and let me know.

In Joy,


P.S. Forward this to a friend who could use a restart for this year too. 💞

Simple ritual for 🌞Summer Solstice + 🌝Full Moon in Capricorn

Light a candle.

🧘 Spend a few minutes in quiet meditation and/or contemplation.

✍️ Get out your journal and make a list of everything you've accomplished over the next 6 months.

  • What are you most proud of? What has made the biggest difference in your life?
  • What struggles have you overcome? What lessons have you learned?

If available, use Sweet Orange essential oil (or another bright, summery, uplifting oil of your choice) in a diffuser or a cotton ball. Inhale the aroma and notice how you feel.

Looking forward to the next 6 months and journal about what you want in your life.

  • What would you like to create in your life?
  • What projects would you like to bring to completion?
  • What do you need to let go of to make that happen?

💫 Create a visualization prayer for yourself with one or more of the things you listed by completing the sentence: "I'm so grateful that ..."

For example, if you desire to find a new job you might write, "I'm so grateful that I landed a new job that pays well and I love going to work every day."

✍️ Next, write down the first step you can take towards this new reality and commit to making this happen in the next two weeks.

🙏 As often as you think of it and as frequently as everyday, spend a moment saying this visualization prayer out loud to yourself. Use Sweet Orange or another aroma that fits for you. Even if it hasn't happened yet, feel into that future gratitude for yourself and be open to what unfolds for you.

Ready to reach your goals without burning out?

Let's schedule a discovery call (it's free!).

📅 Don't see a time you want? Get on the waitlist and I'll contact you with openings directly. Click the link button above.

Want discounted sessions? You can receive $25 off a session any time you refer me to a new client, so tell your friends to come in!

💌 Forward them this email and tell them to share your name when they book.

Nyssa Hanger

Life and Biz Coach. Massage Therapist. Aromatherapist. Teacher. Writer.

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